
I thought he was dead

That was my Dad's reaction when I told him I was going to hear former US Senator from IN, Birch Bayh, speak today in downtown Evansville.

I did go, and it was really, really cool. He was in town to promote the re-election of Govenor Joe Kernan. He did his little schpiel as did a few others like the Mayor, and city-council people.The really cool part was afterwards.

I went with my Political Science professor. He told Bayh afterwards there was a group of students. The Senator was excited and came over and told us to sit down. He ended up talking to us for about a half hour.

Sen. Bayh was very active in the civil rights movements of the 60s and 70s. He told us about him writing the ERA, reforming the Indiana public school system, and helping block the approval of two Nixon Supreme Court appointees. He also let us ask questions.

Q: Does your son (Sen. Evan Bayh) consult you for help with his re-election campaign?
A: Is he running again? (Very telling. Shows The Junior Bayh should have no worries defeating Republican challenger Marvin Scott.)

Q: Is it likely that if Bush is re-elected, he will appoint judges to overturn Roe v. Wade?
A: No, it's not likely. It's certain. If there is only one issue in this election I would say it's making sure he doesn't get the opportunity, besides being a bad President, to foul up the judiciary, which is supposed to be our last line of defense against the government.

Wow! What an indictment of this President. It's one thing when Kerry or Edwards flings harsh words like this. Or even if a partisan like myself said it, it wouldn't be so bad. But when a respected 3-term Senator and former Presidential candidate offer harsh criticisms like this, I think it is very telling. I think a man like this knows a thing or two about Washington. He was there for Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, and part of Reagan.

Anyway, y'all already knew I wasn't voting for Bush. But now I feel very good about it with a old Washington vet on my side.

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