
'In God We Trust'

***So, I work in the Indiana House of Representatives. For the record, my views are my own, and while they may be shaped by those I work for and around, they reflect only the thoughts of this lonely mind and are in no way representative of any Representative or staffer thereof.***

I'm sorry, I don't really like to single people out, but sometimes I am simple incapable of letting people spread misinformation in a way that is hurtful.

Perhaps you have heard about the controversy surrounding the new-ish Indiana license plates (picture left). They are very patriotic-looking and display the motto "In God We Trust.' Of course anytime there is a connection between the words 'God" and a government, be it local, state, or federal, there is a backlash from the secular elements of society followed by a counter-backlash by social conservatives.

What has happened here is slightly different. The ACLU, on behalf of an Indiana man, has sued. The grounds, however, are not religious. The suit charges, correctly, that drivers wishing to purchase this plate may do so as any they do the standard Indiana plate. Unlike other 'vanity' license plates, such as ones available for the Colts, the Environment, Riley Hospital, or Breast Cancer, the 'God' plate has no administration fees. Therefore, people are being allowed to express their advocacy for this more or less on the State's dime. Other groups must pay a $15 fee to do the same.

The argument here is not about God. The argument is about having to pay for what should be free speech. If one group is allowed to express itself freely, all groups should be permitted to do likewise. The alternative is that all groups should have to pay. It is not fair for one group to be given an opportunity to express itself in a manner that is clearly unavailable to other groups.



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